CALL FOR the admission
of service providers
Digital Acceleration Programme
The Call for the Admission of Service Providers is launched in the framework of the Tourbit Digital Acceleration Programme under which the project will select and provide financial support to up to 62 tourism SMEs from the 7 Tourbit partner territories for the implementation of digitalisation and innovation projects in their businesses.
For the implementation of their projects, selected SMEs will have to contract verified service providers financed through the grant provided to them. Based on the present call, Tourbit will select and admit service providers to create a pool from which tourism SMEs can choose the most appropriate provider to support their project implementation.
The application period is now closed.
what is the purpose of the call?
The present Call sets out the requirements and rules for the admission of service providers to form part of a validated pool from which tourism SMEs selected for the Tourbit Digital Acceleration Programme can choose from.
Tourism SMEs will use the financial support granted to them to contract services from the service providers admitted to the pool based on the present call.
what do we offer?
With the present Call, the Tourbit consortium invites interested professionals and companies to apply for admission into the pool of service providers and hence to have the possibility to be contracted by tourism SMEs to support their project implementation.
Note that the application for admission to the pool does not entail an automatic right or guarantee to be contracted by a selected company under the Digital Acceleration Programme. The aim of the call is solely to create a pool/ short-list of providers among which tourism SMEs can choose from. Tourism SMEs are obliged to pick service providers who form part of the pool of verified providers.
who can participate?
Profiles of service providers admitted under this call may include the following professional categories (non-exhaustive list – also other types of digital service providers are admitted):
- Mentor/ Expert/ Consultant: A professional who accompanies the SME, providing certain expertise, advice, or services to support its project implementation.
- Technology/ innovation provider: A company, start-up or professional providing a digital or innovative solution or service required to support the SMEs’ project implementation.
What are the admission requirements?
For individual professionals:
- Have minimum 3 years experience in digitalisation/technology application for SMEs.
OR - Have minimum 3 years experience supporting SMEs from the tourism industry, preferably in their digital transformation process
- Have expertise in minimum one of the following subjects: Cloud computing, Digital workspace solutions, Data analytics and Data management, Cybersecurity, Digital marketing and communication, Artificial intelligence, Internet of things, Augmented and virtual reality, Blockchain
- Be a resident in the European Economic Area (= EU countries + Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein) or Switzerland
- Have an appropriate working knowledge of English (minimum B1)- Knowledge of other languages of the project (Spanish, Catalan, French, Flemish, Slovenian, Icelandic, Finnish, Portuguese) is an asset.
- Be a member of the TourBiZZ community
For companies and start-ups:
- Provide a service relevant and beneficial for the digital transformation of tourism businesses related to minimum one of the following subjects: Cloud computing, Digital workspace, Data analytics and Data Management, Cybersecurity, Digital marketing and communication, Artificial intelligence, Internet of things, Augmented and virtual reality, Blockchain
- Be registered in the European Economic Area (= EU countries + Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein) or Switzerland
- Be represented by minimum 1 staff member fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria for individual professionals.
Service providers are invited to apply to this call submitting their application through the online application system, filling in all required fields. An application form template can also be downloaded; it is only provided as a courtesy for drafting the application form content offline before submitting it online.