Actions to support tourism SMEs
LEARN about trends, experiences, success cases, skills
Assess your level of digitalisation via the Digital Readiness Index (DRI), and receive recommendations to boost it.
Discover the most recent trends and top technologies applied to tourism:
– Watch our Tourism 4.0 introductory webinars, pre-recorded online webinars on the fundamentals of digital technologies and its practical application in the tourism sector. 1st edition 2022 / 2n edition 2023
– Read our Tourbit year release on the top, market tested and commercially ready for adoption technologies. Introducing state-of-the-art technologies and trends in SME tourism. Selected emerging technologies have been mapped along 3 stages according the level of digitalisation of the SMEs:
1) Getting ready – Beginner (Download 1st edition – 2022)
2) Growing digital – Intermediate (Download 2n edition – 2023)
3) Leaping ahead – Advanced (2024)
Gain some insights on technological solutions for tourism SMEs in our Tourism 4.0 Deep Dive Sessions discovering these key enabling technologies: Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT), Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).
Acquire new skills depending on your digitalisation level with the Go Digital Skills Programme (the webinars started in September 2023 until April 2024)
BUILD your network, enlarge your community, engage with the tech and start-ups community
Be part of the you will be able to receive the most updated information on the Tourbit activities, connect with other peers, join the discussions, sign up for Tourbit webinars
Co-create new business opportunities with the tourism actors and the tech and start up community:
– Live Co-creation workshops in Tourbit 7 destinations: challenge-driven interactive workshops to accelerate the digital transformation of tourism SMEs, and apply design thinking methodology facilitated by digital experts. Realised in Autumn 2022.
– Virtual Transnational Matchathon on 15-16 June 2023: to inspire you with the last trends and connect with service providers from Tourbit Pool.
– The Tourism Startup-Scouting Service that will be focus to the connection between tourism SMEs and the start-ups community with the dissemination of 40 startup profiles on Tourbizz and the Innovation & Start-up talks (starting this fall 2023).

TEST & IMPLEMENT your digitalisation project
Present your digitalisation project and get the chance to receive up to 8.000€ or 9.000€ (depending on the country) to support its implementation in the frame of the Tourbit Acceleration Programme. The call for proposals for tourism SMEs is closed now.